Student choir of University of Twente


Musilon’s summer concerts are coming up again! There will be a concert on the 28th of June and another one on the 29th of June. We hope to see you there!

About us

Musilon is a student choir at the University Twente which specializes in pop songs.

The choir started started as a small group of students performing mainly jazz, pop, rock, and even some classical pieces and quickly grew to a choir of more than 50 members whom up until this day still rehearse every Monday.


"Een leuk, fris koor dat vanaf de eerste noot muzikaal overkwam.", "Een jong koor dat zelfs muziekstukken op het repertoire durft te nemen van eigen koorleden."

 Prismare choir day jury (1st prize)

"Musilon was such a warm singing group to be part of. Fun workshops, great conductor, and vibrant people. Musilon definitely knows how to have fun :)"

Old member, Bianka Rychert

"Amazing. Worth every penny!"

Anonymous spectator

Interested in joining?

If you would like to join the choir as a member, please look out for the open rehearsal dates at the beginning of each semester. Dates will be posted in due time.  

Did you know that you can book us for your events? You can find more information about it below.


Vrijhof, De Veldmaat 5, 7522 NM Enschede


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